Energetic Reiki Healing There She Glows! Reiki Lightwork
What is Reiki Energy Healing?
Reiki healing massage is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
Even today's modern scientific community recognizes its existence as "Biofield Energy," and over 800 hospitals across the U.S. are offering reiki as a standard part of hospital care to bring about healing. This is the wonderful exchange of Energy between 2 or more people with the simple intent to share healing and ease the burdens of another….and the willingness to receive this energetic Healing. Life Force Energy is available to all as it is all around us. The simple intent causes the Reiki Energy to flow, and the intent directs the Energy.
I, as a practitioner, have learned to allow the flow without directing the path by placing my hands on or above specific places on your body (Chakras) and, when needed, go to areas that need healing and energetic balancing. This is what I have loved to do since I was a little girl.

Crystal Therapy and Chakra Alignment in a Reiki Healing

Owner of There She Glows! Day Spa & Reiki Lightwork is a Reiki Master Teacher
Chakras are small vortexes of energy lying across at least 7 points on our spinal column, connected to different glands and organs in the body, and are moving our Life Force Energy or "Chi," also called "Qui." or "Prana." When out of balance, they become blocked. Different colors are associated with each energy center, so I use different types and colors of crystals and stones in my sessions based on the individual need.

Crystals have a long tradition of being used for crystal healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. It is this resonance that gives crystals their healing abilities. Helps to harmonize the mind, body, emotions, and spirit when placed on specific points of the body for Chakra Healing as they are a gift of nature and are found inside Mother Nature itself.

I have been a CA licensed Esthetician and Massage Therapist for 29 years. I have been using Reiki to enhance the healing experience in all my treatments. I then became a Ca certified Reiki Master Teacher to focus my energies and do what I love to do for people and offer Reiki Energy Healing as a beautiful addition to the many other services I offer at my spa in San Diego, CA

What to Expect and How It Feels to Receive Reiki Energy
My Reiki session is performed fully clothed in my tranquil treatment room.
For aromatherapy benefits, I will use different types, and blends of essential oils diffused into the air. Various small Crystals and stones are placed on your Chakras (see diagram) to intensify the healing. Harmonious music and singing bowls will be played while I lay my hands on or above your body at specific points for several minutes. Both sides of your body will be treated in this fashion unless face down is an issue, then face up is just fine for the entire session.
As you relax, you may feel yourself fall into a dream-like state, and some fall asleep(your body heals best in this state). Most report a beautiful calm feeling after.
It is physical healing for some; for others, it is emotional clearing or a spiritual journey they seek. Whatever your desire* Reiki can and will help you.
Afterward, you will lay down on my Vita~Mat for added circulatory and healing benefits (heat can be to your comfort level and still effective)

Contact Information
Online scheduling anytime at theresheglowsdayspa.com
Mon. to Sat. by appointment Or
+1 (619) 698-7377 Text Ok
3221 South Bonita Street
Spring Valley, California 91977, US
(in Fletcher Hills)
Energy work is most beneficial when several sessions are done fairly close together.
Enjoy your 5th session FREE.
Session Prices:
Energy Work With/Without Contact, Hot Stones, and Healing Crystals

Reiki Energy Healing
30 mins. $45
60 mins. $70
90 mins. $90
60 Mins with Facial $95
90 Mins with Facial $115
Couples with Facial $185
Add Hot Stones & Chinese Cupping with Chakra Stones on the back $10 additional
* includes 20 minutes in the Relaxation Integration Room Experience
Various massage and stretching is performed during your Reiki treatment. Both services use Reiki Charged Crystals and Singing Bowls to break up negative holding patterns in your body/muscles and to clear stagnant energy blocked in your chakras which if left alone in your energetic body can cause disease in your physical body (discomfort and illness and yes, even disease).